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2. Getting Started

Welcome to Data Steward! This section will guide you through the initial steps of setting up and using the platform. By the end of this section, you'll have your account set up and be familiar with the basic layout and features of Data Steward.

2.1 System Requirements

Before you begin, ensure that your system meets the following requirements to use Data Steward effectively:

  • Web Browser: Data Steward is a cloud-based SaaS platform accessible via web browser. We recommend using the latest versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Edge for optimal performance.
  • Internet Connection: A stable broadband internet connection is required.
  • Screen Resolution: For the best experience, use a monitor with a minimum resolution of 1280x800 pixels.
  • File Formats: Data Steward supports various file formats for data ingestion, including CSV, Excel (.xlsx), JSON, and XML. Ensure your data is in one of these formats for smooth uploading.

2.2 Account Creation and Setup

To get started with Data Steward, you'll need to create an account. Follow these steps:

  1. Request Access: If your organization is new to Data Steward, contact our sales team to set up your organization's account and receive your admin credentials.

  2. Admin Login:

    • Navigate to the Data Steward login page (typically
    • Enter your admin email and the provided temporary password.
    • You'll be prompted to change your password upon first login.
  3. Organization Setup:

    • Once logged in, you'll be guided through the initial organization setup process.
    • Provide your organization's details, including name, industry, and primary contact information.
  4. User Invitations:

    • As an admin, you can invite team members to join your Data Steward organization.
    • Navigate to the User Management section and click "Invite User".
    • Enter the email addresses of your team members and assign appropriate roles (we'll cover roles in detail in Section 3).
  5. Initial Configuration:

    • Set up your initial data sources, submission types, and product catalog. Don't worry if you're not sure about all the details yet; you can always modify these later.
  6. Verify Email: Make sure to verify your email address if prompted, as this is crucial for receiving important notifications and updates.

2.3 Dashboard Overview

After logging in, you'll be greeted by the Data Steward dashboard. This is your central hub for managing all aspects of your channel data and product information. Here's an overview of the key areas:

  1. Navigation Menu: Located on the left side of the screen, this menu allows you to access different sections of the platform, including:

    • Dashboard (Home)
    • Submissions
    • Products
    • Vendors
    • Analytics
    • Settings
  2. Quick Actions: At the top of the dashboard, you'll find quick action buttons for common tasks like creating a new submission or adding a product.

  3. Recent Activity: This section displays recent submissions, updates to your product catalog, and other important activities.

  4. Data Overview: Here you'll see key metrics about your data, such as the number of active submissions, total products, and data quality score.

  5. Notifications: The bell icon in the top right corner will alert you to important updates, pending approvals, or system notifications.

  6. User Profile: Access your profile settings, switch between light and dark modes, and log out using the profile menu in the top right corner.

  7. Help & Support: The question mark icon provides access to this documentation, FAQs, and our support contact information.

Take some time to explore the dashboard and familiarize yourself with its layout. Don't worry if some sections seem complex at first; we'll cover each in detail in the following chapters.

Next Steps

Now that you're set up and familiar with the basic layout, you're ready to start using Data Steward. In the next section, we'll dive deeper into managing your organization and user roles, which is crucial for effectively collaborating with your team and partners.

Remember, if you need any assistance during the setup process or while using Data Steward, our support team is always ready to help. You can reach out via the Help & Support section in the dashboard.