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5. Vendor Management

Effective vendor management is crucial for maintaining strong channel partnerships and ensuring smooth data flow in your supply chain. Data Steward provides robust tools for managing your vendors, their permissions, and their data submissions.

5.1 Adding and Configuring Vendors

Adding a New Vendor

  1. Navigate to the "Vendors" section from the main menu.
  2. Click on the "Add New Vendor" button.
  3. Fill in the required information:
    • Vendor Name
    • Vendor ID (a unique identifier for the vendor)
    • Primary Contact Name
    • Contact Email
    • Contact Phone Number (optional)
  4. Click "Create Vendor" to add the vendor to your organization.

Configuring Vendor Details

After creating a vendor, configure additional details:

  1. From the Vendors list, click on the vendor's name to access their profile.
  2. Update or add:
    • Secondary contacts
    • Vendor address
    • Preferred communication methods
    • Notes or comments about the vendor
  3. Save your changes after editing.

5.2 Viewing and Managing Assigned Submission Types

To view and manage the submission types a vendor is enrolled for:

  1. Go to the vendor's profile page.
  2. Navigate to the "Assigned Submission Types" tab.
  3. Here you can:
    • View a list of all submission types the vendor is currently assigned to
    • Add new assignments by clicking "Assign Submission Type"
    • Remove assignments if needed

This feature ensures you have a clear overview of what types of data each vendor is authorized to submit.

5.3 Vendor Permissions and Access

Control what each vendor can see and do within Data Steward:

Setting Up Vendor User Accounts

  1. In the vendor's profile, go to the "Users" tab.
  2. Click "Invite User" to add a new vendor representative.
  3. Enter the user's email address and assign the "Vendor" role.
  4. Send the invitation.

Customizing Vendor Permissions

If needed, create custom roles with specific permissions:

  1. Go to Settings > Roles & Permissions.
  2. Create a new role (e.g., "Premium Vendor").
  3. Customize the permissions for this role.
  4. Assign this new role to specific vendor users as needed.

5.4 Managing Vendor Data Submissions

Setting Up Submission Guidelines

  1. Navigate to Settings > Submission Guidelines.
  2. Create or edit guidelines for each submission type.
  3. Specify requirements such as file formats, required fields, and submission frequency.

Reviewing Vendor Submissions

  1. Go to the "Submissions" section in the main menu.
  2. Use filters to view submissions by vendor, date range, or submission type.
  3. Click on a submission to view details, including any validation errors or warnings.
  4. Approve, reject, or request changes for the submission as necessary.

5.5 Vendor Performance Analytics

Monitor and analyze vendor performance over time:

  1. Go to the "Analytics" section in the main menu.
  2. Select "Vendor Performance" from the available reports.
  3. Choose a vendor and date range to analyze.
  4. Review key metrics such as submission timeliness, data quality scores, and compliance with data standards.

Sharing Reports with Vendors

  1. Generate the desired performance report.
  2. Click "Share Report" and select the vendor.
  3. Choose which metrics to include.
  4. Set a schedule for automated report sharing or send immediately.

5.6 Best Practices for Vendor Management

  • Regularly review and update vendor information to ensure accuracy.
  • Conduct periodic vendor performance reviews using Data Steward analytics.
  • Maintain clear communication about data submission requirements and deadlines.
  • Provide training or resources to help vendors improve their data quality and submission processes.
  • Use Data Steward's collaboration tools to address and resolve data discrepancies quickly.
  • Regularly review vendor assignments to submission types to ensure they align with current business relationships.

By effectively managing your vendors within Data Steward, you can streamline your data collection process, improve data quality, and strengthen your channel partnerships.