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3. Organizations and Users

Effective management of your organization and users is crucial for maximizing the benefits of Data Steward. This section will guide you through setting up your organization, understanding user roles and permissions, and managing your team members within the platform.

3.1 Organization Setup

In Data Steward, an organization represents your company or business unit. It serves as the top-level container for all your data, products, and users.

Initial Organization Setup

If you haven't set up your organization during the initial account creation process, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Data Steward as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Organization in the main menu.
  3. Click on "Edit Organization Details."
  4. Fill in the required information:
    • Organization Name
    • Industry
    • Primary Contact Information
    • Billing Details (if applicable)
  5. Click "Save" to update your organization's information.

Organization Settings

In the Organization Settings, you can configure various aspects of your Data Steward environment:

  • Branding: Upload your company logo and set primary colors to customize the interface for your users.
  • Data Retention Policies: Set policies for how long different types of data are retained in the system.
  • Default Settings: Configure default settings for new submissions, products, and user accounts.
  • Integration Settings: Set up and manage integrations with other systems your organization uses.

3.2 User Roles and Permissions

Data Steward uses a role-based access control (RBAC) system to manage user permissions. Understanding these roles is crucial for maintaining security and efficient workflows.

Default User Roles

  1. Administrator

    • Full access to all features and settings
    • Can manage users, roles, and organization settings
    • Can create and manage all types of data and configurations
  2. Editor

    • Can create and edit submissions, products, and vendor information
    • Can run transformations and validations
    • Cannot access organization settings or manage users
  3. Viewer

    • Read-only access to submissions, products, and analytics
    • Cannot make any changes to data or configurations
  4. Vendor

    • Limited access specific to external partners
    • Can submit data and view specific reports related to their submissions

Custom Roles

Depending on your organization's needs, you may create custom roles with specific permissions:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Roles & Permissions.
  2. Click "Create New Role."
  3. Name the role and select the permissions you want to grant.
  4. Save the new role.

Permission Categories

Permissions in Data Steward are grouped into categories:

  • Submission Management: Create, edit, delete, and approve submissions
  • Product Management: Add, edit, and delete products in the catalog
  • Vendor Management: Add and manage vendor information
  • Analytics: Access to various analytical tools and reports
  • User Management: Ability to create and manage user accounts
  • System Configuration: Access to system-wide settings and configurations

3.3 Managing Users

Effective user management ensures that your team members have the appropriate access to perform their roles efficiently and securely.

Adding New Users

  1. Navigate to Settings > User Management.
  2. Click "Add New User."
  3. Enter the user's details:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Email Address
    • Assigned Role
  4. Click "Send Invitation."

The new user will receive an email invitation to join your organization in Data Steward.

Editing User Information

  1. Go to Settings > User Management.
  2. Find the user you want to edit and click on their name.
  3. Update the necessary information.
  4. Click "Save Changes."

Changing User Roles

  1. In the User Management section, find the user whose role you want to change.
  2. Click on the current role next to their name.
  3. Select the new role from the dropdown menu.
  4. Confirm the change.

Deactivating Users

When a team member leaves or no longer needs access:

  1. Go to the User Management section.
  2. Find the user you want to deactivate.
  3. Click on the "More Options" (usually three dots) next to their name.
  4. Select "Deactivate User."
  5. Confirm the action.

Deactivated users will no longer be able to log in, but their account information and history will be preserved.

Best Practices for User Management

  • Regularly review user roles and permissions to ensure they align with current job responsibilities.
  • Use the principle of least privilege: assign users the minimum permissions necessary for their role.
  • Conduct periodic audits of user activities, especially for users with high-level permissions.
  • Promptly deactivate accounts of users who have left the organization or no longer require access.
  • Encourage users to use strong, unique passwords and enable two-factor authentication if available.

By properly setting up your organization and managing user roles and permissions, you can ensure that your team uses Data Steward efficiently and securely. In the next section, we'll explore how to manage your vendors within the platform.