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4. Submission Types

Submission types in Data Steward define the structure and processing rules for different categories of data that your organization receives from vendors. Properly configured submission types streamline data ingestion, automate validation and transformation processes, and ensure consistency across your data management workflows.

4.1 Creating Submission Types

Steps to Create a New Submission Type

  1. Navigate to the "Submission Types" section from the main menu.
  2. Click on the "Create New Submission Type" button.
  3. Fill in the required information:
    • Name: A descriptive name for the submission type (e.g., "Monthly Sales Report")
    • Description: A brief explanation of the submission type's purpose and contents
    • Type: Choose from predefined categories (e.g., inventory, sales, forecasts)
    • Frequency: Set how often this type of submission is expected (e.g., weekly, monthly)
  4. Click "Create" to generate the new submission type.

Configuring Basic Settings

After creating a submission type, configure its basic settings:

  1. In the submission type's details page, navigate to the "Settings" tab.
  2. Configure options such as:
    • File Format: Specify accepted file formats (e.g., CSV, Excel, JSON)
    • Size Limit: Set maximum file size for submissions
    • Retention Period: Define how long data of this type should be retained
  3. Save your changes.

4.2 Configuring Output Columns

Define the structure of the data after processing and transformation:

  1. In the submission type's details page, go to the "Output Columns" tab.
  2. Click "Add New Column" for each required field.
  3. For each column, specify:
    • Name: The column header
    • Description: A brief explanation of the column's contents
    • Data Type: Choose from options like string, number, date, etc.
    • Is Required: Indicate if the column must contain data
    • Validation Rules: Set any specific validation rules for the column
  4. Use the drag-and-drop interface to order the columns as needed.

4.3 Setting Up Validations and Transformations

Configure data quality checks and processing steps:

  1. Navigate to the "Validations" tab to add data quality rules.
  2. Go to the "Transformations" tab to set up data processing steps.
  3. For each validation or transformation:
    • Choose from predefined types or create custom rules
    • Configure parameters and settings as needed
    • Set the order of execution using the drag-and-drop interface

4.4 Assigning Vendors to Submission Types

This crucial step determines which vendors can submit data for each submission type:

  1. In the submission type's details page, go to the "Assigned Vendors" tab.
  2. Click "Assign Vendors" to open the vendor selection interface.
  3. Search for and select the vendors you want to assign to this submission type.
  4. Click "Assign Selected Vendors" to confirm.
  5. Vendors will now see this submission type in their portal and be able to submit data against it.

4.5 Activating and Managing Submission Types

  1. Review all settings, output columns, validations, and transformations.
  2. Click "Activate Submission Type" to make it available for use.
  3. To update an existing submission type:
    • Make necessary changes in the relevant sections
    • Consider creating a new version for major changes
  4. Use the version control feature for significant updates:
    • Click "Create New Version"
    • Set an effective date for the new version
    • Activate when ready

4.6 Best Practices for Submission Types

  • Create clear, descriptive names for submission types and output columns.
  • Regularly review and update submission types to meet evolving business needs.
  • Test thoroughly before activating, including edge cases and error scenarios.
  • Provide clear documentation for each submission type to guide vendors and internal users.
  • Monitor submission success rates and adjust configurations as needed to improve data quality.